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Galena Spring Book Bundle featuring the hardcover picture book, Mary Jane ~ Farm Truck to Bookmobile and it's coloring book, A Colorful Drive with Mary Jane. Tied with Spring Ribbon!




Enjoy the best coloring book ever created for children of all ages. Come on a drive through historic Galena, as Mary Jane, the Whistleslick Press Bookmobile, show you the sites. 


Color while you learn history and have fun at the same time!




Mary Jane worked hard on the farm like a team of horses. Why, she helped to harvest the vegetables in the fields, mend fences, and haul animals from one farm to the other.


The little green pick up could pull her weight and then some. She even drove her family to church, sold lemonade off her tailgate and went to the outdoor picture show more times than she could count! But what happens to Mary Jane when she is put behind the barn and forgotten for years is a story yet to be told....

Galena Spring Book Bundle


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